At the Ceremony to Launch the National Integrity Charter and its Executive Plan

Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II

At the Ceremony to Launch the National Integrity Charter and its Executive Plan

09 December 2013
(Translated from Arabic)

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate,


I am glad to be meeting you today to highlight a nation-wide achievement to address one of the major concerns and challenges facing Jordanians over the past period. This collective nation-wide effort is represented in achieving a National Integrity Charter and Executive Plan to institutionalise, enhance and sustain the National Integrity System and combat corruption.

Our people present today a unique and inspiring model of an effort achieved with the participation of all components of our society through constructive and meaningful dialogue and respect of others’ opinions. These constitute the elements of success for a democratisation process, with the central aim of empowering citizens to actively participate in decision-making and efforts to advance our precious country and achieve prosperity.

This achievement embodies the ability of Jordanians to face and address changes with a high sense of patriotism and responsibility, relying only on facts and an objective approach. This is the reason why Jordanians have succeeded in overcoming challenges and achieved excellence and a leadership status. And this is the source of my pride in my people.

Over the past year, I have closely and keenly followed up on the work of this committee and the discussions it held, which covered all governorates and engaged all segments of society, resulting in recommendations that were discussed, approved and adopted by the National Conference held last week. This is a great and special national achievement. I thank everyone who was involved in completing this Charter and in drawing up the Executive Plan, which will translate the Charter into facts on the ground.

The consolidation of the principals of integrity as a system into the work of the government, private sector and civil society is a pillar of democratisation and an indicator that reform is a serious and pragmatic process geared towards developing institutional work, preserving public funds and entrenching the principles of good governance, especially with regards to combating all forms of corruption, even before it occurs.

The development of the National Integrity System is a cornerstone in realising the White Revolution that we called for and a key step to build on our accumulated achievements, continue enhancing people’s confidence in the state and its institutions, and give citizens peace of mind regarding their children’s future.

We have to re-emphasise here, my brothers and sisters, that the responsibility of implementing this national achievement and translating it into real-life practice is shared by all authorities, private sector institutions, civil society and citizens, who should all work to consolidate it as a deep-rooted approach, a life style and a daily practice in public life.

Today, with God’s blessings, we launch the National Integrity Charter and its Executive Plan and direct the three constitutional powers to embrace this Charter and implement its Plan within the set timeframe.

To ensure real and concrete results, a committee will be formed in the next stage to evaluate performance and follow up on progress, making sure to acquaint citizens with developments in this regard.

Peace, God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.